Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sleep Positions And What They Mean

How do you like to get your sleep on??


Description Personality Tendency Comments
Fetus Curled up
in fetus position
Tough on the outside
- sensitive in heart.
Initially shy.
Most common position.
Log On side
both arms
down at sides
Easy-going and sociable.
Attracted to the "in-crowd".
Gullible because they trust strangers easily.

Yearner On side
both arms
out in front
Open natured. Can be suspicious, cynical.
Slow to make decisions - once made, may be inflexible.

Soldier On back
both arms
tight at
Generally quiet and reserved. Do not like a fuss. Hold themselves and others to high standards. Can lead to snoring & bad night's sleep
Freefall On front
hands at pillow head on side
Gregarious, brash, and nervy.
Thin-skinned. Do not like to be criticized. Do not like extreme situations.
Good position
for digestion
Starfish On back
both arms
up at pillow
These make good friends. Ready to listen to others and offer help when needed. Don't care to be center of attention. Can lead to snoring & bad night's sleep

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