Monday, October 27, 2008

TOP SECRET New Movie Releases

300 2
The follow up to one of the biggest hits of last year, the 300 follow up is in the midst of discussions between the ever-busy Zach Snyder and the equally-busy Frank Miller. Miller is working on a graphic novel that will form the basis for the new film, so there’s no release date yet.

Batman 3/Dark Knight 2
It’s not been announced, but there’s no way it’s not going to happen. 2011 at the latest.

Iron Man 2 and 3
Like you didn’t know this already. Iron Man 2 is out in 2010, and you can expect a third film two years after that. Jon Favreau will be directing them all, and Robert Downey Jr will remain the man of iron. In other news, bears shit in the woods.

A horrible title, straight from the land of text speak, but it’s good to see Tron finally getting the follow-up it deserves. Jeff Bridges is back, too, with Joseph Kosinski directing. We’d guess that, given the required effects work, it may be 2010 before we see the end product.

Rambo 5
Stallone, off the back of the commercial response to the fourth Rambo film, is set to take his aged warrior back into battle, possibly for two further adventures. What’s certain is that Rambo 5 is now in active development, and that Sly will be writing and directing once more.

I Am Legend 2
The prequel to the huge worldwide hit is now firmly in development, with Will Smith and director Francis Lawrence back on board. The focus will be on the days after the virus first took hold, and caused the barren wastelands that we met in the original film. Don’t expect the film for a few years yet, though…

National Treasure 3
Given that in the last film, Nic Cage had to break into Buckingham Palace and The White House, as well as kidnap the US president, we wonder just what’s left for the upcoming third adventure in the fun-but-ludicrous National Treasure saga. Will he have to go digging on the moon or something? We’ll find out in 2010.

Indiana Jones 5
There’s no way this won’t happen, given how much money the middling Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull made. They’re just waiting for George to come up with an idea for it. Hmmm.

The Lost Boys 3
After Lost Boys 2: The Tribe became one of Warner Bros’ most successful direct-to-DVD projects, it was perhaps inevitable that another film would churn off the production line. This time, it’s going to be a prequel, with a 2009 release date a possibility.

Lethal Weapon 5
Murtaugh? Coming out of retirement. Riggs? About to retire, but wanted one more case. Lethal Weapon? Back for one more drive round the block, off a screenplay from franchise-creator Shane Black. Mel Gibson is believed to not be interested, however, although that hasn’t, as you might expect, killed the film.

Bull Durham 2
The sequel-allergic Kevin Costner could be about to break the habit of his career, and reprise an earlier role. He seems to have settled on Crash Davis, though, in a planned sequel to Bull Durham, that would bring back Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon too. Original writer-director Ron Shelton is, fortunately, involved.

Beverley Hills Cop 4
It’s full steam ahead for the return of Axel Foley, this time under the stewardship of Den Of Geek’s favourite director, Brett Ratner. Eddie Murphy is back, but what about Judge Reinhold? We can but hope. Expect a 2010 release.

Hairspray 2
The film of the musical based on the John Waters film was a sizeable hit in 2007, so much so that a follow up is in the works. Director Adam Shankman is believed to be interested again, and Waters may well help out on story duties. July 2010 is the intended release window.

Spider-man 4 and 5
It looks like Sam Raimi is going to direct both films now, which are being shot back to back. Tobey Maguire is the webslinger again, and Spidey 4 – possibly with The Lizard – will be out in 2011.


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