Wednesday, October 15, 2008

AMAZING: Nick Pitera Can Sing In a Girls and Guys Voice

Nick Pitera sings amazing. He alters his voice into a girls voice singing hits from Whitney Houston, Mariah & Boyz 2 Men. It's kinda creepy, actually really creepy, but overall I'd have to give him mad props for his unique talent. Go on Nick!!...You have to listen to all of them...

One Sweet Day Mariah Carey Boyz 2 Men

Over the Rainbow

I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston

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2 COMMENT???????:

Anonymous said...

I wonder which one is his “real voice.” Kinda disturbing to watch, especially when his mannerisms/facial expressions change when he imitates a women’s voice. Somewhere over the “Rainbow” huh… I wonder what he’s trying to say. ;-) Regardless, mad props to this gelding for having the raisins to showcase his talent to the world. Very weird, but very talented…

Reytos said...

lmao!! I never thought of that! Over the Rainbow...good shit Pum! He is from Frisco ya know...

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