Wednesday, October 15, 2008

THOR MOVIE 2010 ???

Not everyone appears to be cheering for the new Thor film set to be directed by Kenneth Branagh, but I think Josh Radde of FilmSchoolRejects has enough excitement to get us all going. He has just come up with “Five Reasons to be Excited about the Thor Movie.”

Here are his top 5 reasons

1. He’s a major part of the Avengers. “Remember, Marvel is ramping up towards a huge Avengers project, so films like Iron Man 2, Captain America, and Thor are only serving to get the character introductions out of the way.”

2. He’s not always Thor, he takes breaks for some character interaction.

3. Thor is a godly character. Godly characters = Kick ass fight scenes.

4. Bigger villains. “Jeff Bridges wasn’t a very satisfying villain (Tim Roth as the Abomination in The Incredible Hulk wasn’t really that great, either.”

5. “He may not be so super after all. The story is about a man who spends 18 months institutionalized thinking he has godly powers and has been sent to Earth to save humans.”

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