Thursday, September 18, 2008

NBA Player Josh Howard Disrespects National Anthem

This ticked me off...

NBA player Josh Howard was caught on camera insulting the national anthem...

In a video posted on YouTube, Howard is shown on a football field at a charity flag football game. As the national anthem plays in the background, Howard approaches a camera and says: “‘The Star Spangled Banner’ is going on right now. I don’t even celebrate that (beeep). I'M BLACK!”

Come on now!! As we didn't notice you were "Black".... you're still an "American" yo. What does being black have to do with our National Anthem? Ya heard homeboyeeee?!!! You play for the "N"B.A. Right? "N" stands for National...meaning "USA" or what do you propose the "N" stands for?? Let me guess...

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AHH Stupid

4 COMMENT???????:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the Josh thing was crazy... Not quite about what he's thinking when he makes statement, including his weed experience. Black or not (which I am), there's really no need for all of that and he should be ashamed. I'd just like to know where's his mom and what did she say... And uh, "Yo" and "homeboy"... that's priceless.

Anonymous said...

Cut the guy some slack. It's obvious he's retarded considering he doesn't realize what country he's living in or able to associate the fact that he's an afro-AMERICAN. We should be praising the fact that the NBA too is an equal opportunity employer, just like McDonalds or the greeter @ Wal-Mart. Go Josh! You're making all the mentally challenged people of the world reach for the stars! You're not just limited to the Special Olympics anymore!

Anonymous said...

stupidity knows no color

Reytos said...

Very good point Pum. Afro-"AMERICAN"
I'm sure he doesn't want to just be called "AFRO". Either way it could of been any other race that disrespected the anthem. It could have been a Chinese immigrant that is now a citizen of the U.S. saying I'm "Chinese." Once you live here legally and claim the benefits of this great nation...have a little respect, at least for the dang song. (BUSH on the other hand...I kid=)

When you use your race as an excuse to sugar coat your insignificant reasons to act the way you act, it makes you look really stupid.

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