Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Google Launches New G1 Phone

Google has launched its first mobile phone - a serious competitor to Apple's much sought-after iPhone.

Like its rival, the G1 offers a large touchscreen and fast internet access.

However, Google believes the handset's slide-out full keyboard will make emailing and web browsing easier.

The second killer difference is that the G1 uses a new operating system, called Android, for which other companies are encouraged to develop applications.

The G1 Google phone is a serious competitor to the Apple iPhone - but its makers believe the slide-out QWERTY keyboard (R) gives it the edge

These include TuneWiki, a music player which allows 'mobile karaoke' by synchronising written lyrics on the screen to a YouTube video of the song.

Google promises that the G1's internet access will be as fast as any laptop computer, and it contains built-in support for the video-sharing website.

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