Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jeremy Gillitzer Manorexic Male Model

Jeremy Gillitzer say's:
"I am someone who has been unhappy with his body size for quite sometime.
Just recently I began dieting and exercising in order to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.
And then things began to take a toll.
I plateaued as some of my friends informed me would happen.
And so I began to avoid meals.
And I began to throw up after meals.
And I know deep down this is wrong.
But I look at these people that are skinny, and I mean THIN SKINNY. Not a twig, I mean, bone thin, and I think to myself, "That's wrong. They looked so much better with a little weight on them..."
And then I turn to myself and I would kill to be 110 pounds. Even 120 at this point."

Check out the amazing video of how this former male model used to look and how he transformed himself unrecognizable.

Continue: Super Sick Models

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