Friday, April 11, 2008

Dick Cheney Caught Looking At Naked Women??

Is Dick Cheney hanging out with Bill Clinton and his Harem?? Huh?

Vice President Dick Cheney’s sunglasses are causing quite a stir this morning because some say there appears to be a naked woman in the reflection of his glasses. The story even provoked Cheney’s spokeswoman to respond saying, “Clearly the picture shows a hand casting a rod.”

Here’s a better view. Do you really think it’s a naked woman? The situation got so out of hand, one investigative reporter used digital technology to enhance the photo.

“In one lens of his sunglasses you can clearly tell it is a sleeved arm of Cheney or a fishing companion. The other lens has an extreme distortion that, without looking at it closely, could be misconstrued,” said investigative photo editor Bridges.

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