Saturday, June 21, 2008

Broken Hearted Man Auctions His Life On Ebay

A man, whose partner of 12 years walked out on him, plans to start a new life - but not in the traditional sense. He plans to start a completely new life by auctioning his entire old life on eBay and walking away with nothing except his passport and his wallet.

The auction is due to start tomorrow and will run for one week. The man in question, Ian Usher, has set up a website to publicize the upcoming auction and he insists that it is completely genuine and not a gimmick. The website has YouTube videos showing his house in Perth, Western Australia, and it has details of everything the successful bidder will receive.

In his website intro, Ian says :

I have had enough of my life! I don’t want it any more! You can have it if you like!

However, I am still not sure whether this is inspired madness, complete foolishness, or just some sort of mid-life crisis.

He adds that, included in the auction, will be his house and all its contents, a car, a motorbike, a jetski, kitesurfing gear, his job (he works in a rug store), his clothes, and even his friends (how can he sell his friends?)

He hopes to make up to $500,000 to fund his new life. via

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