Thursday, December 20, 2007


Charice Pempenco was born on May 10, 1993 in Cabuyao, Laguna in the Philipines, so that makes her only 14 yrs old! She is known as the “Young Diva” but also goes by “Cha”.

Charice busted out of the shadows in 2005 on the show “Little Big Star” where she placed third. Ever since, Charice has been all over the net.

Charice has been on a couple of different shows such as:
E! network, once on the Daily 10 with a headline reading “A Star Is Born”. The other time they named her Hollywood Royalty.

Only time will tell if Charice will really make it big. In my opinion she will fizzle off
the map as she gets older...UNLESS some producer really invests the time and money to promote her big in the places that matter. The reason I say that is because most amazing "child phenomenons" are praised so rapidly one day and quickly dismissed the next.

Another thing she has against her is that she's Asian. Don't get me wrong being half Filipino I wish that Filipino's and other Asians would get the same mainstream credit that anyone else would get. Time and time again talented Filipino artists strive to make it mainstream but society has not truely accepted their amazing talents. There are some exceptions though, but it seems mainstream prefers "half". Example: Enrique Iglesias is half Filipino, from the "Black Eyed Peas" is half Filipino, full Filipina Jocelyn Enriquez was mainstream for a minute. When I say mainstream I mean radio play, support from the MTV/VH1 world, and so on.

Either way Charice is a very talented singer and no matter what nationality or age she is I hope she does really well with her career.


I Will Always Love You

Run to You

Charice on the "Ellen" show Dec 19th 2007

What do you think of Charice?
She's okay
Needs alot of work
Not impressed at all free polls

See Chanice Pempengco's Myspace

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